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Your Landscape and a LEED building by Matt Schovel

Posted on: April 10th, 2014

LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) and your landscape are related in several integral ways. The USGBC web site states, “LEED provides a framework that gives project teams the ability to choose solutions that contribute to aggregate environmental progress. Many small parts working together can have big impacts.” Your landscape plays a large role in everything from water savings to cost reductions in heating and cooling. In addition, the affect your landscape has on your tenants’ and customers’ experience as they enter your building has measurable impact. Whenever possible “LEED” your people outside; A recent Come Alive Outside newsletter posted, “Research shows that people who spend time outdoors are healthier and happier than those who don’t. Inner-City investigators found the presence of trees outside of buildings were predictors in certain behaviors: less procrastination, better coping skills, better social relationships, and less violence.” Money properly invested in your landscape produces direct savings and provides an intangible return on your investment. Take the “LEED” and don’t only think outside of the box, think outside of the building.


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