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Limb Falls and Detroys WindShield - A Preventable Accident

Limb Falls and Detroys WindShield- A Preventable Accident

Posted on: January 3rd, 2014

This unfortunate individual not only had a limb fall and destroy their windshield, they also got a ticket! The accident could have easily been prevented by pruning the overhanging limbs, which would’ve been less hassle. “We frequently see limbs fall on roofs, fences, and vehicles. The damage is costly and could be avoided by regularly pruning the trees,” says Landscape Care Consultant Jon Elliot.

Swingle offers expert tree care to ensure you never have to worry about a situation like this. Take advantage of our 10% OFF Dormant Pruning Discount to make sure your trees are healthy and safe. The schedule is filling quickly, so contact us soon.


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