If you have any questions or concerns as we embark on the season, please call us. Remember, it’s wise and cost-effective to be proactive, rather than reactive. We are here to make sure your landscape is healthy through the challenges water restrictions will bring.
1. Use a balanced (N-P-K) fertilizer with a 50% SCU or higher:
Do not use a “High Nitrogen” or “Nitrogen only” fertilizer such as 39-0-0. Slow release fertilizer with 50% Sulfer- Coated- Urea (SCU) or higher is recommended.
2. We are recommending REVIVE. Multiple application/yr. (It can be applied 1 time/mo. if budgets allow):
REVIVE is an organic soil enhancer. It increases water penetration and root development, breaks up dry, compacted soils, (which we have plenty of here in Colorado) and eliminates brown spots, along with improving lawn color. It also reduces the amount of water needed, as it helps the water penetrate more effectively.
3. We are recommending early spring and fall aeration:
In a season we face add challenges with water restrictions, it’s more important than ever to find the most effective method to deliver water directly to the lawn’s root system. Lawn aeration helps break up the soil and allows the water to reach the area its needed most. It helps reduce run-off and evaporation, which increases efficiency.
4. Mow heights should be 3″ or higher:
Low mowing can stress the plant, making it more susceptible to insects, disease, and heat stress. Cutting too much also removes the greenest part of the grass and creates a dull appearance.
5. Weaknesses in irrigation coverage’s will be amplified:
It’s more important than ever to make sure your sprinkler system is running efficiently, covering your lawn adequately, and not wasting water. You need to have your system evaluated by a qualified technician from beginning to end. A trained eye will identify any issues and make
recommendations to help get your system to level of performance you must have this year.
6. Ascochyta can spike throughout the season depending on irrigation amounts or natural moisture:
Ascochyta, say that five times fast! It’s a fungal disease that occurs with Kentucky Bluegrass. It’s most prevalent in the spring and summer, when lawns are stressed due to variable moisture conditions and temperature fluctuations. Individual blades start dying back from the tips, withering towards the base of the grass blade, causing the leaf tip to appear pinched. In most cases, pockets of infection will cause a patchy or streaked appearance. The area will recover in 2-3 weeks with additional watering and mowings.
What can you do?
Aerate, which will reduce thatch build up and help with water effectiveness.
Keep mower blades sharp.
Mow grass to height of 3 inches.
Water in the morning, so leaf blades can dry quickly.
Water the affected area with more water less often.
Using REVIVE will also help as mentioned above.
7. Each commercial customer needs to determine priority areas to water or limit water to meet the 35% reduction requirements:
You’ll want to identify high visibility and highly trafficked areas, so as to make sure you are focusing your watering efforts where needed most. Look for places that are not a high priority, are not seen much and do not offer as much value as the other areas. Having a watering plan this year will be imperative and this is an integral piece.