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EAB Symptoms and Treatment

Posted on: January 11th, 2017

Emerald ash borer (EAB) is considered the most destructive forest pest ever seen in North America. It is responsible for killing more than 50 million ash trees in 29 states. Across the front range of Colorado, 1 out of 6 trees are at risk. To help keep you informed, Swingle is sharing EAB symptoms and treatment options for your property.

EAB Symptoms and Treatment

Emerald Ash Borer Signs and Symptoms

Initial detection of emerald ash borer in ash trees is difficult. Signs of infestation include:

Canopy dieback: As EAB infestation increases, the trees canopy will begin to thin out. Dieback occurs when larva feeding disrupts nutrients and water flow to the top of the tree, resulting in leaf loss.

Epicormic Sprouting: Trees will try to grow new branches and leaves when they are stressed or sick. In later stages of infestation, ash trees will form sprouts from the trunk just below where the larva are feeding.

Bark splits: Vertical splits in the bark are caused by callus formation.  Callus is a natural response to wounding and develops around larvae galleries, exposing “S”- shaped paths underneath the bark.

Woodpecker feeding: Woodpeckers eat emerald ash borer larvae. Damage will first occur at the top of the tree where EAB begins to attack.

Emerald Ash Borer Treatment

Depending on your proximity to where emerald ash borer is detected, your ash trees should either be treated with a trunk injection or soil injection (trees with a 10″ DBH or under require a soil injection).

Option 1: A trunk injection will protect your tree(s) for up to 2 years and may only be completed in spring and summer.

Option 2: A soil injection will protect your tree(s) for 1 year and can be completed in spring and through the fall.

Now is the time to consider your options to protect and treat your ash trees. Schedule a free ash tree evaluation today.



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